Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summer is in Full Swing


Summer is in full swing. We'll officially start our summer schedule next week, but we've already gone on several outings and enjoyed treats. This is one reason I left the workforce. I'm enjoying sharing experiences with my kids and taking care of my home. I'm finally feeling like priorities are shifting back into place. Now the task will be finding a way to continue this when the school year starts. For now...ahhhhh! I'm going to relax and do what I do!

We've spent our fair share of time at the pool already. Swimming lessons will begin shortly. The boys will also go to Vacation Bible School. One day that week, I will treat myself to a cup of coffee and finally use a gift card that I've been holding on to since March.

We worked on a few pages in our workbooks and built model kits together. I have a list of a lot of other activities that I want to do this summer. On the list are a few cooking projects. So far, I've made ice cream sandwiches and caramel popcorn. Both were devoured in seconds. Together we'll make pickles, ice cream and popsicles. I have a long list of craft projects as well. Needless to say, we'll be very busy! On day 2 of summer break JB announced,"It's only been 2 days and I'm tired!" Ha!

Two of my personal treats are my $2.50 rosemary bush thriving in the flower bed and the dozens of new hydrangeas that bloom every week. The hydrangeas are extra special because last year they didn't grow very well. At the end of the season, the boys pulverized them with the golf clubs and I didn't expect them to survive. To my surprise one of the bushes is almost 4 ft. tall! That's no small feat for someone with a "black thumb".
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

All Good Things Come to an End

We are on the tail end of the school year (HALLELUJAH) and the first of several bags are packed for our first vacation of the summer. In just a few days, I am officially going to retreat. I am going to thoroughly enjoy not having to visit with some of the school busy bodies and be subject to the endless barrage of questions from random nosey people. One thing that I can honestly say I got from my father was an antisocial personality. Suburbia isn't very accommodating, but you'd better believe I will be fully detached for the next 80 days. Maybe that will give me time to put my game face back on.

I've been people watching for the past couple of months and noticed that many people have a real need to feel important. They'll take extreme measures to be the up front, go to person aka "busy body" all the while greatly exaggerating the importance of whatever it is they're involved in.
Others will go to great lengths to paint a lovely picture of the seemingly obvious pile of crap they're up to their eyeballs in. I'm guessing it's in part to gain attention while making themselves feel better.
Let's not get on the tally keepers. That's old news. They give the phrase "keeping up with the Joneses" a whole new meaning.
Bottom line: people are a trip.

On the home front, my hubby's travel schedule is still burdensome, but I got real with myself today and acknowledged that in a lot of ways it's what I wanted. It will do for now. What we're going through is hardly worth complaining about!

The boys have become a constant source of humor and entertainment. Of course they are increasingly fascinated with bodily functions...farting, belching and the newest one-smelling armpits. My hubby is offended by all of it, but personally I refuse to smell any one's armpits.

So far I have our summer schedule, workbooks, summer tv guide, and outings all lined up. The only things left to do are menu planning and our semi-annual Come to Jesus meeting. I want to be sure we all start on the same page.

Stay tuned...

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