Tuesday, January 8, 2008

He Who Laughs Last...

Believe it or not I just made a major screw up. Or at least I think so! I came up with the brilliant idea of creating a new blog that would be more informational and less personal. And since I've become quite proficient with the whole "blogging thing" (or so I thought) I decided to do it today. Well, somewhere between choosing a name and opting to not link the two blogs together online I managed to delete my primary blog! OMG! I've only been journaling since October, some of the entries were funny if I may say so myself. Anyway, it looks like I'll be starting from square 1 on two blogs now!

Let me just recap...
October: Sucky month as it marks the passing of my mom. Walked in Breast Cancer 3-Day.
November: Family came in town for Thanksgiving. We all enjoyed the food and fellowship
December: Lots of hubbub for Christmas. Day trip out of town days before the big day and upon my return things "magically fell into place". I lie a tad!
Jan: Resolve to be a better steward. Get ready for son's sixth birthday.
Here and there lots of ramblings on friendship, chores, and my boys including their activities, funny commentaries and endless indoor football games!

All of this makes me want to have a back up for my journals that I keep at home. I do a personal one and one for each of the boys. God forbid my house ever burn down. I'll literally lose years of milestones that I've taken the time to write about.
Whew...that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?

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